Friday, May 6, 2011

The adventures of Linda and... Daddy.

I am temporarily changing the name of the blog for the next week because dad is joining me for the second epic road trip of 2011, which starts tomorrow. Dad flew out to San Diego to join me on my drive east for my first school. We are going to drive north east first, spend 3 days in southern Utah, then push west with a stop in St Louis to visit uncle Dan and then down to Florida to drop dad off. It should be pretty amazing.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Friendly Animals

I loved this furry little guy!

Blister is a winnah!

I love how the blister post is the most popular! I was happy when it bumped off the Paddy Post.
By the way, the big red blister is still there...

Some edited Grand Canyon pics!!

Thanks to the help of the awesome MC's in my office, I got a few of my favorite pictures edited today (sorry for the extreme lack of productivity today, Boss)!

Below are a few of my faves and then here is a link to a slide show with more.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011 going back up (with pictures)

As I said before, we got a very early start back up the trail. This time we took the South Kaibab trail. When asking around, this trail is most commonly the one people take down because it is shorter but steeper, so they take Bright Angel up. South Kaibab is also supposed to be the more scenic route. So, we figured we could handle a little bit of steepness if that meant we would be up in 7 miles instead of 10. Sounded like a good idea at the bottom.


Paddy found out that drinking 2 20oz beers at sea level is not the same as drinking 2 20oz beers at 8,000 feet.

Grand Canyon Down updated with pictures!

Now that I finally have time to sit down and write without gloves on, I will go back and tell you all about the trek down the canyon.
As I discussed earlier, the snow was really coming down on Sunday night and through the morning. We woke up to blowing winds and lots of snow. We did not let that deter us! We headed down Bright Angel trail which is the longer of the 2 trails to the bottom. We were pretty much dressed for skiing. I think I had 5 shirts on. Oh, I can't forget the 45 pound packs we were both wearing with all of our camping gear. My back hurt the very second I put it on.